No New Jails NYC
The No New Jails website carries resources, articles, letters, and information on the history of the fight to stop the jails in 2019. Nonprofits, architects, urban planners, and healthcare workers signed on to the campaign to oppose jail construction and shutdown Rikers.
The People’s plan nyc anti-criminalization platform
Advocates, organizers, and policymakers have come together to draft a vision for critical changes NYC can make to divest from policing and imprisonment of all forms and invest in communities, which would lead to decarceration and negate the borough based jails plan.
The Democratic Socialists of America have published their platform, which supports decarceration and closing Rikers now without new jails.
Petition to close rikers without new jails
After years of mounting pressure – including investigations by New York State, the U.S. Department of Justice, several class action settlements, and the experiences of incarcerated individuals and their loved ones all revealing a deeply entrenched “culture of violence” on Rikers – Mayor Bill de Blasio announced, in spring 2017, a 10-year plan to close the jails on Rikers Island by building another system of jails.
Created to organize for mass releases during the pandemic, FTA4PH’s website includes demands from the inside and abolitionist recommendations for defunding the NYPD from 2020.
Public safety pledge
City Council Candidates have the opportunity to sign the NYC Public Safety Pledge and make tangible commitments today on what their administration will accomplish to keep New Yorkers safe.